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tv   Around the World  CNN  November 28, 2013 9:00am-10:01am PST

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forward. it say there's are good people still out there. >> amen to that. you know what? you're real good for joining us happy thanksgiving to you and your family "around the world" starts right now. winds were strong, and new york, it has to be said, they couldn't stop the balloons from flying in the macy's day parade. a live report coming up. >> thank goodness for that. despite it being a family day across the country with many people off from work traditionally, some retailers, they're staying open despite 9 out of 10 americans saying they're not going to shop on thanksgiving. the retail store backlash, that's coming up. >> if you haven't guess tshgd it's thanksgiving. >> it is? >> it is. i'm hala gorani.
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>> i'm michael holms. >> a new thanksgiving tradition, that is shopping. more and more stores are open today, blurring the line between turkey day and black friday and hoping to get a jump start on the shopping season. >> macy's broke a 155-year tradition by staying closed on the holiday. but shopping might have a new thanksgiving ritual. most americans don't want any part of it. >> here's the polling numbers. recent university of connecticut poll shows, 93% of respondents don't care who's open. they say they will not be out there today looking for deals. and nick valencia at the kmart outside atlanta, which is obviously open. what's going on? doesn't look too bad behind you. >> hope you didn't break in. it is open? >> reporter: happy thanksgiving, hala and michael. not bad right now. 5:00 this morning, it was frigid outside, 30 people lined up,
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felt like 17 degrees. didn't stop crowds from forming. door busters, one guy here at 11:00 p.m. last night. i asked, why are you putting yourself through this? he said he's here for the deals. >> reporter: black friday has morphed into black thursday. kmart, one of a handful of retailers, open for business on thanksgiving. ready for it? >> i think so, yeah. yeah, we're excited about it. >> reporter: for those who think it's something new, kmart has been doing this over 20 years. more retailers followed suit, and that's not coincidence. >> shoppers want to shop on black friday and get amazing deals. so we don't expect black friday to ever lose its luster. but there is a new player in town. and thanksgiving is certainly giving black friday a run for its money. >> reporter: of the 140 million people expected to shop this holiday weekend, nearly a quarter will hit the stores thanksgiving day. >> i'm out here to get some
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great deals, man. >> reporter: outside best buy in florida, tents in place more than a week in advance of the sales. >> just how serious are they? this man brought a generator to run his many electronics. >> they do it every year, every year i say the same thing, it's crazy. >> reporter: crazy is one word for it. angry is another., people petitioned target to stay closed. family should be more important than greed or materialism, and it's the right thing to do. back at kmart in georgia, store manager says working on thanksgiving is no bother. for him, it's about meeting the customer demand. >> one thing, understand this year, we have one less week for shopping between thanksgiving and christmas that we -- than we did last year. >> reporter: people take this stuff seriously. so does kmart. they've been doing this for a while. 22nd year that kmart has been open thanksgiving.
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this year they're doing something different. they're not shutting down, they're open for 41 hours straight. if you get bored, come out here and join me. >> we need more opportunities to shop, yeah. i'm sure you've loaded up the crew car out in the car park there. >> i won't see you later, nick. thanks very much. by the way, for our viewers in rhode island, i was looking this up, maine and massachusetts, it's illegal to open for big stores on thanksgiving. >> what you think? >> i think -- well, you know, i -- i've stopped enjoying full stop whether it's thanksgiving or not. quite frankly, i'm happy that a store's closed. it's good to take a breath, spend time with loved ones. >> for the family. >> but you have the economy, the u.s. economy, very reliant on consumer spending. >> i will not go near a mall on a normal day. >> i've joined that club, too. there you have it. >> too much. hopefully you've been able to visit with family, little hassle as possible. winter weather preview that
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blasted across the country this week, certainly slowed travel down a bit. but thank goodness did not bring it to a grinding halt. >> looked like they managed to get where they needed to go, in most places. snow in michigan, western new york, pennsylvania, there was rain in atlanta, windy conditions along the east coast. they did contribute to the traffic mess. it's the coldest it's been in 100 years in atlanta on thanksgiving. >> colder in atlanta than in iceland. it was. it's a true story. the storm's blown itself out to sea. as we've have been seeing in new york and elsewhere, sunny in the country now. >> the weather did threat tonight deflate that beloved thanksgiving tradition, giant balloons at annual macy's thanksgiving day parade. >> yes. fear not, as you can see there, snoopy, spongbob, all their mates managed to fly high and proud. not as high as they used to, because they were worried about the wind. it was a game-day decision. parade officials worried the
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wind would force them to ground the stars of the show. >> right. jason carroll, he's along the parade route with more on what's going on there. hi, jason. >> reporter: hey, hala, how are you? both you and michael are right, balloons were out flying a little lower than normal but at least they were flying. everyone that we spoke to who came out who came out to see the parade had a good time watching. it was touch and go, whether or not the giant helium balloons such as snoopy, woodstock, hello kitty, diary of a wimpy kid, the character from there, also the purple dinosaur, all 16 in all giant helium balloons made it into the parade. a lot of excitement about it about simply because, again, there was some thoughts because of the wind, the weather, balloons were not going to make it. but that did not end up being the case. the parade's made it past where we are here, central park west. parade should be down in herald square, way down in midtown at
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this point. the 87th annual macy's thanksgiving day parade went off without a hitch. >> great stuff. jason, must have popped into one of the sales because you've picked up styling clothing there on the streets of new york. looking sharp, isn't he? >> always looks sharp. >> reporter: thank you. >> for thousands of u.s. troops this thanksgiving marks another holiday spent in afghanistan. before the big pullout. whatever deal ends up being signed with afghanistan as to how many might stay. >> they all got a thanksgiving meal. had one of those in afghanistan once. the future of the presence, as hala was saying, it's up in the paper the presidents of afghanistan karzai still refusing to sign the new security deal until certain conditions are met. >> pentagon correspondent barbara starr has the latest on that. >> happy thanksgiving. >> reporter: it's the 12th thanksgiving in afghanistan for u.s. troops.
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>> brian with the 58th company out of the 101st air force division. i'd like to give a shout out to my beautiful wife amy, our three children. >> reporter: once more, thinking about home. >> specialist kale sharon stationed in afghanistan. i want to wish my family back in missouri happy holidays. >> reporter: commanders looking forward to a new agreement with afghan president hamid karzai that would have kept just a few thousand u.s. troops in afghanistan after 2014. but after a meeting with national security adviser susan rice, karzai is refusing to sign the very deal he helped negotiate. in an afghan news channel interview, rice made clear, u.s. patience may be at a breaking point. >> if the agreement isn't signed promptly, what i said to the president is we would have no choice, we would be compelled by
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necessity, not by preference, to have to begin to plan for the prospect that we will not be able to keep our troops here. >> reporter: after 12 years of war, with afghan corruption rampant, billions of dollars in u.s. aid, more than 2,000 troops killed and 19,000 wounded, why shouldn't all of the american troops just come home? >> americans are very right to be frustrated with karzai. but frustration is not national security policy. frustration is not foreign policy. >> reporter: some in the administration believe without a u.s. presence, al qaeda will return, iran's influence may grow, and afghanistan will become a radical haven. >> if things fall apart in afghanistan, then much of what we have gained can unravel, we may find ourselves having to go back in again. >> reporter: for now, however, u.s. troops are thinking about coming home.
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>> hi, sergeant tyler baxter, my father. >> chief master richard baxter. >> from bagram, afghanistan. wanted to wish our family in missouri happy holidays. >> barbara starr joins us live now. so, i mean, what's going to happen now? down to the wire with the u.s. starting to pull all of its troops out of the afghanistan if the security agreement isn't signed soon. u.s. wants it signed soon somewhere karzai wants to wait until elections next year. >> reporter: yeah, you know, how do you resolve this? the u.s., look, could wait a while but it's putting a full court pressure on karzai because it's so uncertain what he's really up to, officials say, and what his thinking really is at this point. so they want to get it settled. and they want to get it settled by the end of the year. if an agreement is signed as many as 12,000 u.s. and nato troops could stay in afghanistan. even the troops at this point, after 12 years, they want to know what their future is, are
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they staying or going? a real question for them at this holiday season. >> what's interesting here, too, the big loia jerger, they want the agreement signed now. he seem to be the only one holding out but it's a dangerous game. they have a military in afghanistan that cannot survive without u.s. help and certainly billions of dollars to keep it running. >> reporter: well, that's right. absolutely right. and of course, what he's doing is laying a very uncertain groundwork for the next president of afghan that will be ele elected in april of next year. we talked to several analysts about this, what is karzai's intention at this point? a lot of people think that he's playing that dangerous game perhaps trying to position himself as not being in the pocket of the u.s. which many people feel he is, trying to send a message to iran, perhaps, you know, i'm not in the pocket of the u.s., what are you
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willing to offer me? this is a guy who, you know, is very smart. you may think he's kind of wacky in his public statements and public persona. don't count on it. karzai's a very sharp person and usually he's got a motive behind what he's doing. >> a very calculated man, no doubt about that. of course a patient taliban waiting in the wings. >> cocaine and marijuana what nigella's husband says she did on a daily basis. how her alleged drug use could impact two assistants accused of em baso embezzlement. >> a driverless car of the future. how you could see them on the streets in not too many years. plus, a comet that's been around for more than a million years. could meet a violent death or it could provide an amazing thanksgiving sky show.
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we'll tell you where you could possibly see this holiday comet. >> i'm sergeant jack story with delta company 1a cab. happy thanksgiving to my wife and family. love you guys. ♪ [ engine revs ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the mercedes-benz winter event is back, with the perfect vehicle that's just right for you, no matter which list you're on. [ santa ] ho, ho, ho, ho! [ male announcer ] get the all-new 2014 cla250 starting at just $29,900.
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[ male announcer ] get the all-new 2014 cla250 i started part-time, now i'm a manager.n. my employer matches my charitable giving. really. i get bonuses even working part-time. where i work, over 400 people are promoted every day. healthcare starting under $40 a month. i got education benefits. i work at walmart. i'm a pharmacist. sales associate. i manage produce. i work in logistics. there's more to walmart than you think. vo: opportunity. that's the real walmart. shhhh! i have a cold with this annoying runny nose. [ sniffles ] i better take something. [ male announcer ] dayquil cold and flu doesn't treat that. it doesn't? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms
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plus has a fast-acting antihistamine. oh what a relief it is! plus has a fast-acting antihistamine. ♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing.
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but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪ famous chefs, nigella lawson, and she's now also the target of allegations that she abused drugs daily. >> you may remember her from the tabloid image of her husband grabbing her by the throat.
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this is one of the richest art collector in europe. this is not a trial related to their divorce proceeding but was the trial of two former personal sis tants accused of embezzling money. >> max foster following developments from london. particularly in the uk, but also around the world. this is a very well-known couple, charles was a big advertising guru, art collector, as hala said. what's happening in court? >> reporter: well, we are learning so much about this extraordinary household, this extraordinary relationship. today, charles did turn up to the courthouse but he wasn't allowed in to appear because the previous witness was still testifying. the previous witness actually, his solicitor, who described how he became suspicious of these two p.a.s and one point they were spending more than $100,000 a month. but he didn't alert charles because he didn't want to -- he didn't want to distract him with
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what he described as trivial matters. extraordinary amounts of money involved here. and it really is revealing so much about this couple and it's getting huge headlines here, of course. >> reporter: the bitter battle between chef nigella lawson and her multimillionaire ex-husband now taking a shocking turn. with new accusations of illegal drug use. in an e-mail read out in court, he accuses lawson of using cocaine and marijuana on a daily basis, allow two former personal assistants to walk awith $1 million over four years. >> you don't know what the truth is but what it does do is pretty much damage nigella lawson's reputation, whether or not it's true or not, we don't know. but now we have this story of alleged drug use, from nigella, and this could affect jobs that she has coming to her right now. >> reporter: the former assistants, sisters, are now
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facing criminal charges, accused of committing fraud, using a company credit card, they deny the charges. but he claims lawson's drug habits allowed the sisters to spend whatever they liked. a spokesman for lawson declined to comment. but the celebrity chef did tweet out a recipe and thanked supporters using #teamnigella. >> reporter: the couple divorced this year after photos from the restaurant of sachi grabbing her throat during an argument made front page headline. >> any comment. >> reporter: saatchi accepted police caution for assault. according to the attorney, that's when he learned of lawson's alleged drug use. >> we have three different parties all at each other's throats and we really don't know the truth. even if nigella were to take a drug test tomorrow and positive for drugs we don't know whether or not she was authorizing all of this money to be spent. >> reporter: the defense claims
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e-mail show saatchi and lawson attempted manipulation of the court and the case should be thrown out. the judge has ruled the case against the personal assistants will continue. so tomorrow might well be an extraordinary day, michael and hal lark charles will come back to appear and he's been saying extraordinary things about his ex-wife and he won't be accused of libel if he says these things in court. one of the things the defense keeps pointing out. perhaps it's inappropriate to use this argument. the defense team today have requested nigella lawson also appe appear tomorrow. we'd love to hear what she has to say. she's been quiet. we need her side of the story. >> can't imagine the media scrum for that one. >> i was going to say, yes, hearing one side here. this is an acrimonious divorce and ex-husband. we have to hear in this case as well from the other party.
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hopefully we will. >> max foster, thanks so much. iran taking its first big step towards getting the world's trust back. under that new cooperation agreement that was hammered out in geneva. it has invited u.n. inspectors to visit the iraq heavy water production plant. >> this facility is linked to a reactor that, if completed, could produce enough plutonium for two atomic weapons a year. iran agreed to stop, quote, activities at the reactor as part of last within's nuclear deal. the u.n. nuclear watchdog groups keeping a close eye on a reactor in north korea. >> activity at that site indicates that north korea might be trying to restart what is really an aging reactor. u.n. officials say they have no access to that site and can't say for certain one way or the other whether the reactor has been restarted. >> nuclear experts say the site is capable of producing weapons grade plutonium. so that, another spot there in
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the world where the nuclear issues are making headlines. as for japan, one big crisis in that part of the world, everyone, it is taking a very defiant stand in a tense dispute with china. japan is defying china's attempt to impose new restrictions on airspace over the east china sea. >> this includes the skies, not coincidentally, over islands claimed by both china and japan. japanese aircraft flew through the disputed space without telling china, which china was demanding happen. earlier this week we saw two unarmed b-52 bomber fly through. >> state department says it was part of a planned military exercise but in this environment, everybody's feeling testy. >> a story where you hope there is not a misunderstanding or miscommunication because that could be ugly. >> not any mistake whatsoever. we'll continue to follow that.
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still to come -- families cook their thanksgiving turkeys, a comet is set to endure its own roasting. >> get it? get it? next up, how you may see this thanksgiving spectacular in the sky. so, with chevy's black friday sale, the price you see is the price you pay? yep, best prices of the year. i can't see. honey. [ laughs ] brad. yeah? what are you doing? uh... hi. hi. [ male announcer ] it's the chevy black friday sale. during the chevy black friday sale, get this malibu ls for under $20,000 or this cruze ls for around $17,000. hurry. the best prices of the year end monday, december 2nd. thanks for giving me your smile. thanks for inspiring me. thanks for showing me my potential.
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for teaching me not to take life so seriously. thanks for loving me and being my best friend. don't forget to thank those who helped you take charge of your future and got you where you are today. the boss of your life. the chief life officer. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] everyone deserves the gift of all day pain relief. this season, discover aleve. all day pain relief with just two pills.
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just in in space news, a comet shooting towards the sun, and next hour, not too far from now, it's going to come very close to the sun. >> instead of around the world,
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we're calling this around the sun. comet expected to swing around the sun, if it doesn't break apart. >> right. nasa captured images of the comet wednesday. ison is pastorth as you see in the time lapse. if it survives the close encounter next hour it could put on a spectacular light show and we might catch a glimpse. >> depends what part of the world. there it is. i was waiting for it to come into frame. we're covering it up at the bottom the screen. there, see, told you. director disagreeing with me. i told him it was below there. the managing editor at that's a heck of a url. joining us on the line, tareq, the comet approaching the sun once in a lifetime event, tell people why. >> this comet is coming in from the depths of space. a huge hail low around the
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system, the cloud is made up of the remnants of our solar system, 4.5 billion-year-old stuff that the earth, sun, everything is made out of, it's out there. and this comet started coming in at dawn of man. it's making one trip around and if it ever comes back, it will be a millions of years. this is pretty much it for this comet and sky watches on earth. >> we have to hope it survives, right. >> if it does, will we be able to see it here on earth? if so, how? >> well, the big question about it, if it's going to survive is one people have been asking since its discovery last year. we have been able to see it, it looks like -- the unaided eye in the early morning sky, an hour before dawn on the way in, if it survives its path today starting around the first, second week of december through the month, you might be able to go outside an
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hour after sunset, an hour before sunrise see this in the sky. big question, though, if it's going to survive. >> if you want to move to the north pole, you'll be able to see it 24 hours. how big is this thing, because as i understand it, it is huge. >> it's actually smaller than what we hoped for. we thought it was larger than a mile across. they've undergraded it to less than a mile. it does have a lot of ice on it, 2 billion tons of ice is what nasa scientists told me just the other day. and it's losing that at a fantastic rate. we've seen pictures today, the tail is just billowing out of the comet. there is some worry that it's starting to be on the way out, although the scientists aren't giving up ghost yet. >> fingers crossed then.
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thanks so much. a 40% chance, i saw earlier, that it's going to get all the way around the sun. >> all right. let's hope. also let's hope we're able to sort of catch a glimpse of it in the sky. now, black friday has morphed into black thursday or brown thursday, whatever you call it. some big retail stores are open today. >> yeah. that's not sitting well with everyone. next up, how the decision to stay open is causing one retail store backlash. "around the world" will be right back. you know how painful heartburn can be. for fast, long lasting relief, use doctor recommended gaviscon®. only gaviscon® forms a protective barrier that helps block stomach acid from splashing up- relieving the pain quickly. try fast, long lasting gaviscon®. relieving the pain quickly. stick with innovation. stick with power. stick with technology. get the flexcare platinum.
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all right. it seems like thanksgiving has morphed from a feeding frenzy into a shopping frenzy in a lot of places. as we know, more and more stores throwing open their doors and offering huge black friday deals a day early. but a new poll shows most americans won't be shopping today, it also found that only 16% of people approve of stores being open on thanksgiving at all. cnn is at kmart in burbank, california, open since 6:00 a.m. pacific time? >> reporter: yeah, hard to believe, but i know it because i was here, yes. 6:00 a.m., 50 people lined up
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outside. things have calmed down. looking much like a normal shopping day here. but what makes all of this significant is that, remember, check your calendar. it is thanksgiving. black friday frenzy spilling into the holiday. >> reporter: the shoving. the screaming. >> what the [ bleep ]. >> reporter: the swearing. >> we'll stab one of you [ bleep ]. >> reporter: let the fists fly. retailers call it the super bowl of shopping or black friday. but scenes like these that flood the internet give the bargain battle a black eye. this ugly clash at a los angeles walmart two years ago captured by juan. >> all of the people went in there and they just started destroying the boxes. >> reporter: all this for marked down xbox games. >> people were fighting, trying to get deals. and that's when some lady pepper
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sprayed and started going at it. >> my eyes! >> reporter: was that moment a turning point for walmart? >> certainly. i think we could do a better job at managing crowds and helping customers get into the store, find the item they're looking for, get out. we learned a lot. >> reporter: walmart says this time it's a calmer black friday, orderly lines through the store. shoppers get wrist bands and rain check tickets of items that sell out. what won't change are the surprise deals through the store. >> 40 seconds and all of the people go crazy. >> reporter: predictly while this dad brought his dad to this walmart to witness the mayhem firsthand. >> that's something about black friday, your integrity -- >> these cousins don't care about the mayhem. they thrive on it every year using shopping apps and planning to save on toys for their young kids. >> eight hours of shopping? >> yeah, all night. eight hours or so.
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>> reporter: seriously, all night. >> it was worth it. >> uh-huh. >> reporter: spent $960, half of her budget, saving $1,000 on gifts. enough to make her want to dance. >> yeah. the jig had to happen. and i'd do it again if i got a deal like that. >> reporter: not a laughing matter to victoria, who has seen enough video of the fighting. >> any time you want [ bleep ]. >> reporter: and doesn't want any of it. even if it's literally a pillow fight. >> i think they're crazy. to them it's a sport. lacrosse is a sport. black friday is not a sport. >> reporter: she shops all online. sure, she gives up on some deals but savors serenity. >> savings aren't bort bail money. >> reporter: juan castro avoids the retailer on black friday but can't resist a short outing. >> i should get a vesting make sure maybe some football gear would do me good.
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>> reporter: that may be good advice because for shoppers like these, it's game on. so why on earth would a retailer be open on thanksgiving? it's because people are actually buying, even though it isn't like the aisles are jam packed full of people. there are still people here. >> when shoppers attack, we hopefully won't see anything like that. thanks so much. be safe out there. >> you can pay me, basically. there's no pecan pie at thanksgiving dinner blame it on the rain, pigs, and china. record rainfall hurt the crop in the south. experts say it could drop by 35%. those heavy rains made harvesting difficult as well. and ferrell pigs went wild on nuts that fell from the trees. china, whose love affair with
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the pecan continues to grow. a third of american pecans are exported to china. louis vuitton suitcase sent packing from russia's red square. why? people thought the ad was an eyesore. we'll explain ahead on "around the world." ♪
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[ male announcer ] this december, experience the gift of true artistry and some of the best offers of the year at the lexus december to remember sales event. this is the pursuit of perfection. that coffee breaks down tooth enamel. thankfully, she uses act restoring mouthwash.
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it rebuilds tooth enamel, making your teeth two times stronger. act. smile strong.
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we're learning that pope francis will be visiting israel next year, his first trip to the jewish state. a source tells cnn the pope will travel there at the end of may, but there's no official confirmation of that yet. israeli media have reported visiting the holy land has been francis' life long dream and hopes to bring the message of reconciliation. the israeli prime minister netanyahu is heading to the
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vatican next week for meetings with the pope. with so much violence in syria, it takes a certain kind of attack like one targeting children to shock the world. isn't it a shame we have to say that? the video you're about to see is just that kind of attack. let's go to neighboring lebanon. mohammed jamjoon with the latest on this syrian attack. >> reporter: it's a chilling amateur video that showcases how accustomed syrian children have become to the horrors of war. several boys and a girl talking about the violence they've witnessed. a huge explosion goes off nearby, kids run and duck for cover, thankfully they're okay. later in the clip you see a boy smiling, unfazed, as he describes how he learned to best protect himself all on his own. >> all right. now to another accusation against the nsa about spying on
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world leaders. cbc news reports, canada allowed the nsa to spy on the g-8 and g-20 summits in ontario in 2010. the report cited documents shared by nsa leaker edward snowden and don't mention targets for spying but say the operation was closely coordinated with canada. some russians are furious and the kremlins trying to contain the uproar and you will not believe why. all over this, a giant designer suitcase. the french fashion house louis vuitton thought that the two-story eyesore -- some might not think it's an eyesore -- plunked in the middle of moscow's red square, which is part of the problem for many. they thought it would be a good way to celebrate its ties to russia. the publicity stunt hasn't gone done well at all. phil black is in the capital. >> reporter: russia's most famous, historic, sacred public
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space, red square, next to the kremlin, presidential seat of power, next to the tomb of lenin, founding leader of the soviet union and this is a giant replica of a louis vuitton suitcase. moscow is famous for its love of luxury brans but this has made people angry, many believe it's gone too far, everyone from the president's office down says it should be sent packing. so it's being dismantled. >> not carry-on luggage size. she say she's died and she says she thinks she went to heaven. coming up, hear from one woman who shares her personal experience of surviving death.
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you really love, what would you do?" ♪ [ woman ] i'd be a writer. [ man ] i'd be a baker. [ woman ] i wanna be a pie maker. [ man ] i wanna be a pilot. [ woman ] i'd be an architect. what if i told you someone could pay you and what if that person were you? ♪ when you think about it, isn't that what retirement should be, paying ourselves to do what we love? ♪ because you can't beat zero heartburn. woo hoo! [ male announcer ] prilosec otc is the number one doctor recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 8 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. well, construct delays expected after a deadly crane collapsed at one of the soccer world cup venues in brazil.
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last thing the country needed. two people killed in sao paulo when the crane fell, causing part of the roof to collapse. scheduled to host the opening match at this very stadium in to 20 14 next sum. >> two cia officials named bay pakistani political official with a police murder investigation. this stems from a drone strike that killed several people. cia director john brennan singled out, along with a person identified as a high-ranking agent based in pakistan. the pakistani political official wants to put him on a list to prevent him from leaving the country. u.s. authorities have not confirmed the accuracy of these claims. this is the new egypt. coming down hard on dissent. the new military rulers, more than 20 islamist females, some 15 years old, getting 2 to 11
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years in prison, you see them in the cage in defendant's box. crime, taking part in a protest demanding the ousted president morsi be reinstated. now, egypt's military backed government has been cracking down on demonstrations and enforcing a very stringent anti-protest law. officials say it is needed to combat terrorism and make the country stable. critics say they're just trying to silence critics. well, their stories begin tragically but end with an amazing love for life. this weekend anderson cooper host's special report on people who say they died, went to heaven, and lived to share the experience. >> orthopedic surgeon mary neil trapped under water for 15 wh s minute s when she saw the light. >> i could see the sun on the river bank, pull my body to the shore, start cpr. i had no pulse, and i wasn't
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breathing. one fellow was yelling at me to come back. >> you were unconscious, how do you know this was happening? >> i felt my body break free, and i felt my spirit break free and i was greeted by these people or these spirits. i could be with them and be going down this incredible pathway and simultaneously look back at the river. when i saw my body, i will say that was the first time that i actually thought, well, i guess i am dead, i guess i really did die. >> in the book you write about dancing with them. were you celebrating something? >> yes. >> what were you celebrating? >> it was a great home coming and i was surprised by the fact that i had no intention of going back. >> you didn't want to return?
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>> no. and i had all of the reasons to return. i had a great life. i had a great job. i had a great husband. my children are wonderful, i loved them more than i could ever imagine loving something on earth. but the love that i felt for them in comparison to god's love that was absolutely flowing through everything was just pale in comparison. and then at a certain point, one of the people or spirits told me that it wasn't my time and that i had more work to do on earth and i had to go back to my body. >> all of this raises interesting questions, how do you know it's not a construct, your imagination, what makes her think this was real. the stories that they tell are extraordinary. >> no doubt. you can hear more of them sunday night, whatever you think, 7:00 eastern, right here on cnn. it's called "heaven and back"
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this weekend. >> that's going to do iter to me for this hour. see you on cnn international. >> you'll be down there, downstairs in a couple of minutes. >> see you tomorrow. >> you will. let's not miss that on black friday. still ahead -- i'll be back after the break. i'm not done. they turned corners, they park, speed. talking about the driverless car of the future. how you could see them on the street in a few years. [ female announcer ] thanks for financing my first car.
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thanks for giving me your smile. thanks for inspiring me. thanks for showing me my potential. for teaching me not to take life so seriously. thanks for loving me and being my best friend. don't forget to thank those who helped you take charge of your future and got you where you are today. the boss of your life. the chief life officer. ♪ wake it up with olay regenerist. formulated with a skin energizing complex, it penetrates 10 layers of the skin's surface, because energized skin is younger looking skin.
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while most of you are enjoying thanksgiving with the family, some workers in chicago are on strike. last night dozens of them turned out to protest whole foods'
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decision to stay open on thanksgiving, like so many other stores. whole food says thanksgiving hours are voluntary and those who do work, well, they get time and a half for doing so. indiana pizza hut manage who are says he was fired for refusing to open on thanksgiving and wanted to give employees the day off has been offered his job back. tony says when he refused to open thanksgiving he was asked to write a letter of resignation. pizza hut's corporate office says an error in judgment was made. he has not yet decided whether to accept the offer to stay on. and now to this. it is a story you might be thankful you heard right here on "around the world." how would you feel speeding down a highway weaving through traffic in a car you have no control of? sounds like my daughter driving what happen we're talking about is driverless cars and the uk has begun testing them. along with an interesting
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vehicle they're calling a pod. cnn's jim bolden in london with the details. check it out. >> night ryder, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist. >> reporter: michael knight had one, a driverless car, kit had a host of sci-fi gadgets to help knight fight crime. 30 years on, and this is more the reality of a driverless vehicle. a two-seater electric pod. these are expected to be running on designated pathways in the british city of milton keens in coming years. airports have similar pods running on designated rails to and from terminals and parking lots but they aren't running on city streets. >> take control. >> reporter: what about real cars with no drivers? nissan and the university of oxford already are testing actual driverless electric cars.
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to allay worries about safety, they've released video showing how cameras and sensors are used to stop the car. engineers say their navigation system with off the shelf computer adds less than 8,000 to the price of an auto. all controlled, not from a steering wheel, but from an ipad. michael knight may have gotten kit from a meistea mysterious industrialists. 2.4 million on these driverless pedestrian pods. coming soon to the town of milton keens, government wants 100 of these on pathways by 2017. jim bolden, cnn, london. >> now we've got some incredible video out of botswana.
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new new zealand photographer drove it into a group of lions in thele wild. the curiosity, a suspicion and then that, attacked and grabbed the camera. thankfully it was lionproof and the images were safely recorded. check that out. thanks for watching "around the world." "cnn newsroom" starts right now. happy thanksgiving, everyone. forget black friday. doors are open for shoppers today. as retailer try to get a jump on the buying season. some shop owners are defying the corporate call to remain open. we'll talk to one woman who says enough is enough. right now, u.s. troops overseas are celebrating thanksgiving. looking at soldiers at bagram airfield in afghanistan lined up for turkey, stuffing and all of the trimmings.


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